Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 13:11:38 -0500 From: "Bethany Dumas, UTK" Subject: w-hw Someone asked me privately: "For those of us who are not professional linguists but enjoy reading ADS-L would you be kind enough to annotate after jargon. e.g. what does [hw] mean? or /hw-/? Thanks" My response: [churlish mode ON] Well, I think it's fair to question "jargon". But I didn't use any in that post. What I did was provide a comment that I thought would be perfectly intelligible in the context of what I was commenting on, using the most basic forms of phonetic transcription available. Check ANY introductory linguistics book for more information on basic transcription practices. [churlish mode off] It's interesting that non-linguists find ADS-L interesting. I would like to know what led you to it. The brackets and slashes [] and // enclose pronouned forms. THe sound of [w] is what it usually is in English -- a glide as in words like wish, win, wit. The symbol [h] indicates aspiration or breath out as in "old-fashioned" pronunciations of whether (as opposed to weather), which (as opposed to witch), and wen (as opposed to when). Bethany Dumas