Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 08:54:37 -0500 From: Wayne Glowka Subject: Re: Heartburns The plural (or whatever it is) of heartburn seems related to the similar phenomenon in "cramps," "measles," "hives," "the dry heaves," "the runs," "scabbies," "the farts," "the shits," "hiccups/hiccoughs," "the Hershey squirts," "mumps," and others I cannot think of. Surely, a bit of folk etymology could make "rabies" out to be some kind of plural. On occasion, I have joked and claimed that I had "the burps," "the gasses," and "the dribble pisses." Wayne Glowka Professor of English Director of Research and Graduate Student Services Georgia College Milledgeville, GA 31061 912-453-4222 wglowka[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]