Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 21:27:29 -0500 From: Stephen Subject: Re: -head >I heard someone describe someone else as a gearhead, in 1980-81 in Chicago. > No idea as to meaning. > ---------- >From: American Dialect Society >To: Multiple recipients of list ADS >Subject: -head >Date: Wednesday, November 29, 1995 2:46PM > >I'm interested in compiling a set of terms using -head as the second element >of a compound, e.g dickhead, egghead, pothead, acidhead, and here in the >upper midwest, cheesehead. I'm interested in both the terms and the >earliest >you've heard it used and where you've heard it. >You can send them to the list, or to me at >humpulliam[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] >Thanks in advance, >Greg Pulliam >Chicago > When I was growing up, we referred to people who worked at IBM as "zipperheads" i think because they all carried briefcases to work which they zipped and unzipped..