Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 13:48:38 -0800 From: Judi Sanders Subject: Re: "it's all good" At 04:27 PM 11/2/97 -0500, STEVE ALLEN NOLDEN wrote: >Why does everything have to originate from AAVE or "Black Talk?" Perhaps I should make my conclusions more explicit. At this point, I would doubt that "it's all good" does originate from AAVE since it is not listed in reference works describing the lexicon and since it has been found on university campuses across the country that are not HBCUs nor primarily populated by African American students. None of these data are conclusive one way or the other . . . just tracks. I think people often assume that the sources of slang are AAVE because AAVE has contributed to slang -- especially among youths. Actually, to me, it sounds like the kind of phrase my Texas grandmother would have used . . . but I don't actually recall her using it. Judi Sanders outDr. Judi Sanders email: jasanders[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Department of Communication phone: (909) 869-3527 Cal. State Polytechnic U., Pomona fax: (909) 869-4823 3801 W. Temple Blvd. dept: (900) 869-3522 Pomona, CA 91768 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Web: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The College Slang Page: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~