Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 09:40:13 -0800 From: Matthew James Gordon Subject: Re: stay and live Larry Horn wrote: > > Mark Mandel wonders, > > >Matthew James Gordon asks about... > >>> > > The use of "stay" AS OPPOSED TO "live" as in "Where do you stay?" "I > stay in Hammond on 173rd street." (It is clear that the meaning of > temporary residence (e.g. "stay in a hotel") is not intended.) [emphasis > added -- MAM] > > <<< > > >I am puzzled by the form of the question. You seem to be talking about > >"stay" used as *equivalent* to "live" (in the sense of 'reside' [at a > >permanent address]), and that is how respondents have taken it, so I > >don't understand why you refer to opposition. Would you please explain? > > Actually I thought it was pretty clear in context. "stay" and "live" are in > paradigmatic opposition as semantic equivalents, at least in this context. The > use of "stay" in Dialect S (for Scots-derived, ex hyp.) is in opposition with > the use of "live" in other dialects. This does not preclude my "live" from > being (semantically) equivalent to your "stay". > > LOf course, that is precisely what I intended to convey. Thank you for explaining it so clearly, Larry.