Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 16:29:50 -0500 From: Beverly Flanigan Subject: Re: Double negatives (was one as a pronoun?) Using computational linguistics logic to translate Spanish or any other language is to apply a secondary system to a primary (nonlogical, in the syllogistic sense) one--perhaps a worthwhile endeavor. But we can't make the primary system over to fit our computer "logic"; the language is what it is--no one can't never turn no natural language into no artificial one nohow. (BTW, that's six negatives; by mathematical logic I guess the meaning is therefore positive: 2 neg. = pos., 3 neg.=neg., 4 neg.=pos.,... Labov demonstrated 30 years ago that Black English speakers' triple and quadruple negatives still meant negative, and so do my six.)