Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 22:47:14 -0500 From: "Bethany K. Dumas" Subject: Enough! On Sat, 15 Nov 1997, David W. Pass wrote: > << Of course, stating that "language is language" does not claim that > language is unchanging. I can['t imagine where you got that idea > from the messages that were posted. > >> > > The statement may not claim it; however, it implies it. The statement > "language is language" implies a continous equivilence. If the implication > is as it seems, the language yesterday equals language today which equals > language tomorrow; thus, the statement seems to imply that language is > unchanging. I can no longer remain silent. David Pass's statement above is one of the silliest statements I have ever seen about language. To say that "language is language" implies that language has inherent characteristics qua language that remain true -- it does not imply anything whatsoever about language being static. It seems to be that only someone who does not know what language is would read an implication of stasis into the statement. Let's get back to talking about language, okay? Bethany But I just noticed that David apparently plans to post again, so perhaps I'll be restating this soon; he concluded: > Once again (and I hope for the penultimate time) I was only ...