Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:08:11 -0500 From: Larry Rosenwald Subject: Re: vernacular I came across this interesting use of the term in Chang-Rae Lee's novel _Native Speaker_; the narrator, a Korean American named Henry Park, is writing about an ambitious, visionary politician named John Kwang, also Korean American: "I suppose it was a question of imagination. What I was able to see. Before I knew of him, I had never even conceived of someone like him. A Korean man, of his age, as part of the vernacular. Not just a respectable grocer or dry cleaner or doctor, but a larger public figure who was willing to speak and act outside the tight sphere of his family" (139). What struck me about this was the honorific sense it seemed to me "vernacular" was being used in - meaning, more or less, "lofty public idiom." Best, Larry Rosenwald