Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 11:36:59 -0800 From: Peter Richardson Subject: Re: vernacular I took up Ellen Johnson's request the other day, asking my students via email to send me their definitions of _vernacular_ without having consulted a dictionary. About 1/2 the class did so, or at least said that they didn't know what it meant. The results, which don't include (unsent) contributions from some who I'm sure do have a workable and believable definition at hand: Seven students had no idea what it meant. Quotes from the rest: I think the word vernacular means to understand something very well. It reminds me of varnish or shellac--something associated with pottery that makes it shiny or something like that. I think that this word is used to describe how words are vocally pronounced. A clear sound or voice. A tone that is pleasing to the ear. Used interchangeably with _jargon_ I've heard it in the following context: "In a vernacular sense" I send this not as an "O tempora, o morons" plaint, but as a simple contribution to Ellen's article. Peter Richardson