Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 12:47:14 +0000 From: Lynne Murphy Subject: Re: of(t)en and "is all" > Also, did anybody out there grow up pronouncing the "t" in often? I've > only ever heard it done in poetry. Is the t-lessness an Americanism, or > a regionalism? > > Kendra Banks Perry i grew up with the 't' in western new york state, and am glad to hear it whenever i go back, but i hear it sometimes in texas, and when i polled my south african students on it, about half claimed they used the 't', but i never paid enough attention to tell whether they were telling the truth. lynne of the long sentences -- M. Lynne Murphy Assistant Professor in Linguistics Department of English Baylor University PO Box 97404 Waco, TX 76798