Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 07:40:09 -0500

From: Natalie Maynor maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU

Subject: Re: replying to individuals

Replying to my own reply...

So far, I haven't found anybody who could really explain how bandwidth

can be wasted. I've become convinced that the concept of wasted bandwidth

is a cybermyth.

I didn't say that right. What I meant was that there's still plenty of

bandwidth to go around and thus no need to worry about the waste. This

does not, of course, address the question of subscribers' attitudes toward

extra mail. I sometimes forget that, since I have all list mail filtered

into separate files, keeping it from cluttering my regular mail space.

As long as I'm cluttering, I might as well use this opportunity to remind

y'all of a few LISTSERV basics. The 'reply-to' line is included in your

headers, unless your particular system cuts off some of the headers. Lists

can be set up to reply to either the whole list or the individual. I find

that the latter arrangement tends to discourage list discussion (which is

probably why not very many lists are set up that way). On ADS-L an ordinary

reply command sends to the whole list in most cases. (I won't bore you

with the details of the exceptions. You can tell if somebody is an exception

by looking at the 'reply-to' command in the headers.) How to change your

'to' line in a reply depends upon your system. If you're using Unix, you

enter the 'r' to reply and then enter '~h' to edit the 'to' line.

Other odds'n'ends: To stop mail for a while (e.g., if you're going out

of town), send this command to listserv[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

set ads-l nomail

When you want to start mail again, send this:

set ads-l mail

To unsubscribe, send this:

unsub ads-l

To receive a list of subscribers, send this:

review ads-l

To check your list settings, send this:

query ads-l

For more listserv commands, send this:


--Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]