End of ADS-L Digest - 2 Oct 1995 to 3 Oct 1995
There are 61 messages totalling 1465 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. green/string beans (11)
2. ?meaning (fwd)
3. Terminology of unexcused absences/ and bar time.
4. pronunciation note (6)
5. phonetic spelling in high places -Reply
6. phonetics of dialects (4)
7. Lexical choice? (19)
8. lexical choice
9. metric or ... (3)
10. Lexical choice? -Reply
11. Bounced Mail
12. icebox and upstate (4)
13. Re(2): metric or ...
14. pop/green/string beans (2)
15. albeit
16. Snapping Beans and Hulling Peas
17. Lexical choice/string beans
18. Switched Candy Names
19. Upstate