Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 18:20:34 -0500

From: Charles F Juengling juen0001[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU

Subject: Re: metric or ...

On Wed, 4 Oct 1995, C.A. Hoornstra wrote:

On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, Anton Sherwood wrote:

... what do you call the system of measurement that

americans use (i.e., the non-metric system). it seems to me i've

heard "english", but this isn't in my dictionaries. ...


That's what the _World Book_ gives. Both my dual system wrench sets say

'metric and SAE' with no indication of what SAE means. However, I remember

when I was into fixing bikes, the response to 'gimme a wrench' was

always "standard or metric?" Both my wife and a neighbor confirm

'standard' but have never heard the other terms mentioned.

Fritz Juengling

It's called the Imperial System.

But, the American gallon is different from the British gallon. (There are

other measurements that also differ, like the ton - but I'm not sure of

them all.)

Actually, the Imperial System is still more familiar than the metric

system is to some Brits. The UK has finally (within the last week) been

forced to discard the Imperial System and make a complete shift to the metric

system in order to be "compatible" with the EC. Many people (mostly the

older generations) feel that it will be a difficult task. For example,

although their speed limits are written using kph, the distances between

the cities, etc. have traditionally been measured in miles. Many butchers

and green grocers have had to buy new equipment and/or put up conversion

tables for themselves as well as their customers. It's just a matter of

getting used to, I suppose.