Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 18:10:34 EDT
Subject: Mondegreens
Ohio University Electronic Communication
Date: 06-Oct-1995 05:53pm EST
To: Remote Addressee ( _mx%"ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]" )
From: Stephanie Hysmith Dept: English
HYSMITH Tel No: 614-593-2743
Subject: Mondegreens
Molly Dickmeyer asked for the citation for the article I remembered. I'll try
to pull it off from our library's network and let you know. In the meantime, if
anyone was in the medical profession in the mid '70s, you might remember the
name of a physician who published fairly regularly in the _New England Journal
of Medicine_ and who generally wrote hilarious articles. One in particular was
about the benefits of chicken soup. It went something like, "If a patient is
admitted to the emergency room suffering from severe influenza symtoms, he
should immediately be administered 50 cc. of chicken soup, to be followed by
subsequent doses..." Well, you get the idea. At the end of the article under
references, he listed "my mother."
Is this helpful? I don't know what sources are available to you. Mine are
somewhat limited, and my source for these articles was in another life.
I apologize for my delay in responding. I am on a remote modem that is slow as
the proverbial molassas. Thanks for everyone's additions to my list.
Stephanie Hysmith
Received: 06-Oct-1995 06:10pm