Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 20:47:28 -0400
From: Seth Sklarey crissiet[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]IPOF.FLA.NET
Subject: Re: Mondegreens,Malaprops,Sam Goldwyn, Casey Stengel & Yogi Berra
This is more of a tangent. Most of these things turn a name or
unusual word (like "Pulitzer," "Alzheimer's," "varicose," or
"cirrhosis" into a more familiar word), but the canonical example
takes ordinary English--laid him on the green--and invents a
name--Lady Mondegreen.
How do we differentiate or define among the following:
Pullet Surprise
Malaprops or Malapropisms (based on Mrs. Malaprop) in a play I
believe by Sheridan, but correct me if wrong.
Goldwynisms based on quotes from movie producer Sam Goldwyn, the grand
master of the Malaprop without even trying:
e.g. "An oral contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on."
Casey Stengelisms (I wish I could think of some, they were great.)
Yogi Berra (protege of Casey Stengel): "The future ain't what it used to be."
Norman Crosbyisms (based on mis-hearings).
Seth Sklarey
Wittgenstein School of the Unwritten Word
Coconut Grove, FL
P.S. Don't forget the Stars Bangled Banner: "Jose can you see?"
P.P.S. Politically incorrect joke circulated here about 2 years ago:
Heard about the hispanic fireman whose wife had twins boys? He named
them Jose and Hose B.