Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 15:07:06 -0400
From: Merri Lisa Johnson mj906388[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Subject: Re: Mondegreens
One of my students wrote this phrase in an essay: "a once and a lifetime
chance." That's the kind of chance that I want to happen upon.
Merri Lisa
Ohio University
On Fri, 6 Oct 1995, Stephanie Hysmith wrote:
Ohio University Electronic Communication
Date: 06-Oct-1995 02:07am EST
To: Remote Addressee ( _mx%"ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]" )
From: Stephanie Hysmith Dept: English
HYSMITH Tel No: 614-593-2743
Subject: Mondegreens
I just discovered Pullet Surprise in Fromkin and Rodman and so was pleased to
recognize the term in the recent discussion and delighted to learn about the
demise of Lady Mondegreen. It reminded me of a medical journal article that
listed some of the self-diagnosed illnesses of emergency room patients.
Very-close veins
roaches of the liver
sick-as-hell anemia
are all I can recall. I have a new one from my neighbor, though. He was
telling me about someone suffering from oldtimer's disease. Makes sense to me!
Stephanie Hysmith
Ohio University
Received: 06-Oct-1995 02:26am