Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:04:22 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: pop/green/string beans
They've always been string beans to me. "Green beans" sounds to me as
it would be said by those who say "pop" instead of "soda". (This
reflects my New York City roots.) Larry
NO! NO! NO! NO! I grew up on pop! (Los Angeles)
NO NO NO NO NO I grew on coke! (Louisville)
NO NO NO NO NO NO! I grew up in Louisville earlier (much earlier) on soft drink.
Dennis Preston
________________________________ __________________________
| "Two men walking up a
Renea Beeler --|-- hill, one disappears,
rcbeel01[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] | and one's left standing
Morehead State University | still. I wish We'd all
| been ready."--Larry Norman
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