Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 14:42:06 -0600
From: "Garland D. Bills" gbills[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UNM.EDU
Subject: Re: /z/ + /n/ = /d/ + /n/
In my (North Texas) variety of English, the rule is generalized
approximately as follows: /z/ final of an auxiliary verb - /d/ before
contracted (syllabic nasal) _not_. Consequently, I typically pronounce
not only _dudn't_, _wadn't_, and _idn't_, but also _hadn't_ for _hasn't_.
This rule seems to be pretty widespread, though speakers are often
totally unaware of it (on a conscious level) and upon reflection will
deny saying [hadnt] "because that's _had not_."
Garland D. Bills E-mail: gbills[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Department of Linguistics Tel.: (505) 277-7416
University of New Mexico FAX: (505) 277-6355
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1196 USA