Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 22:06:19 -0700
From: Rima & Kim McKinzey rkm[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]SLIP.NET
Subject: Re: Ornery Kathleen
All my life I've noticed that some people have a tendency
to pronounce my name with three syllables.
"KATH' uh LEEN''" or somethin'.
Presumably the same folks who add the "uh" in the middle of Kathleen (a 2
syllable word as far as I can tell) are the same folks who say athuhlete
(and drive me crazy).
Ornery is different - losing a syllable, not adding a superfluous one.
BTW, I say it with both the first r and 3 syllables and grew up in NY. Of
course, it's not really a word I use a whole hell of a lot in any case.