Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 11:43:40 -0500
From: Charles F Juengling juen0001[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU
Subject: Re: the dictionary of stereotypes
Some of these have probably been mentioned, but here goes anyway:
German measles
German cockroach
to Jew down
Indian giver
to gyp
American Know-how
American ingenuity
Irish coffee
Chinese checkers
Chinese firedrill
Spanish fly
French bath
bonehead English
Nigger sweat
Dutch act
Dutch blessing
Dutch cheese
Dutch blessing
Dutch cap
Dutch courage
Dutch f...
Dutch leave
Dutch head
Dutchman's hurricane
Dutchman's breeches
Dutch rub
Dutch milk
Dutch route
Dutch ride
Eskimo kiss
Eskimo pie
English (has several meanings as far as I am aware)
French blue
French cap
French deck
French f...
French leave
" furlough
" handshake
" harp
Jew's harp
French inhale
" landing
" letter
" liberty
" Kiss
" polish
" postcard
" safe
" tickler
German goiter
Yankee know-how
yankee ingenuity
Yankee ax
Dutch bake-oven
For other items, Check Mathews' _Dictionary of Americanisms_. A quick
perusal rendered dozens of items undr both Yankee and Dutch. I'm sure
more would be found under other group names.
Fritz Juengling