Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 19:37:38 -0400
From: Benjamin Barrett Gogaku[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GNN.COM
Subject: y'all, singular usage?
Forwarding this query on the singular usage of y'all I got from the Linguist
Benjamin Barrett
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:15:19 EDT
From: jeepjm[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (John M. Jeep)
Subject: Y'all
Believe it or not, the second person pronoun 'y'all' is a hot topic on
MEDTEXTL, evolving from a discussion of second person pronouns and their
usage in Medieval English, French, modern German, etc. The question is
whether 'y'all' is used for the singular. We have heard strong voices on
both sides of the question, ranging from witness accounts of having heard
it recently to experienced speakers never having heard it. Is there a
reliable account of the phenomenom or is anyone working on it these days?
Thanks for any responses. I'll be glad to summarize later.
John M. Jeep
Department of German, Russian, and East Asian Languages
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
(Tel.) 513 529-1821 - (Fax.) 513 529-1807