Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 23:10:37 EST
Subject: ADS-L session at M/MLA
Dear ADS Members and Friends,
The ADS session of the M/MLA meets on Friday, November 3, from
12:30 to 2:00 PM in Pavilion G. I encourage anyone who is going
to the conference to attend the session. The panel participants,
Tim Frazer, Tom Murray, Charles Boberg, and William Labov, are
each presenting intriguing data and insights pertaining not only
to "Midland" dialect in particular, but also to questions about
changes at various levels of American English.
The American Name Society meets directly after the ADS session,
from 2:15 to 3:45 in Pavilion Suite 3.
Don Lance made the following suggestion to me, and I'd like to
propose it to the group, that we get together for a late
afternoon something, or for dinner. If you have a preference,
please contact me. I'll suggest a time and place at the end of
Friday's session. (Don actually suggested lunch or dinner, but
will y'all be there by, say, 10 am?)
Beth Simon, tin-eared ADS Midwest Regional Secretary
Assistant Professor, English and Linguistics
Indiana University - Purdue University at Fort Wayne
simon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cvax.ipfw.indiana