Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 09:55:30 -0500
From: "Kathleen M. O'Neill" koneil1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UIC.EDU
Subject: Re: Drawrings
My business partner is an art therapist; when she gets an art therapy
group together, she has us do "drawrings." The only other time I've heard
of this pronunciation(and she has other linguistic ideosyncrasies that the
locals here have a hard time understanding)is on a Saturday Night Live
sketch about a little British boy named Simon who "likes to do drawrings."
My business partner lived in NYC for the first forty-odd years of her life,
and has since lived in Seattle and several locations in Arizona before com-
ing to Vermont. Any idea if this is a regional idiosyncracy from anywhere,
or is it just her?
Based on my extensive research (I dated an Englishman for 2 years)
I have concluded that Brits do use this pronunciation.
I also know several people from the New York area who use it, too.
;Kathleen M. O'Neill ... Language Laboratory Technician I ;
;University of Illinois at Chicago ... Language Laboratory ;
;703 South Morgan Street (M/C 042) ... Grant Hall, Room 311 ;
;Chicago, IL 60607-7025 ;
;312.996.8838 or 8836 ... 312.996.5501 FAX ;