Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 03:16:21 -0400
From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: You'll catch Jessie!
I've gotta call someone named Jesse at his office next week, and maybe
I'll catch him in. Which brings me to the phrase, "You'll catch Jessie!"
In the Magazine of American History's series on Political Americanisms
(vol. 13, 1885, pg. 201), you'll see this:
"GIVE 'EM JESSIE." A party war cry current in the Presidential campaign
of 1856. Fremont, the Republican candidate, had fifteen years before made a
runaway match with Jessie, daughter of Thomas H. Benton, and the popular
favor with which runaway matches are apt to be regarded was made much of in
this case, the lady's name being freely used in song and story by her
husband's political supporters.
A reply was on pg. 302:
GIVE 'EM JESSE [Yes, without the "i"--ed.]--_Editor of Magazine of
American History_: Pardon me if I point out one unquestionable inaccuracy in
Mr. Norton's valuable paper on "Political Americanisms" in your last number
{x111. 201]. The phrase "Give 'em Jesse" [sic] was a familiar New England
objurgation in my boyhood, twenty years before the Fremont campaign, to which
he attributes it. The application to that campaign and the change in
spelling proceeded first, I believe, from Dr. William Francis Channing
(afterwards the inventor of the telegraphic fire alarm), who devised for that
campaign a series of motto wafers, on one of which was inscribed "Give 'em
Jessie." I remember well the amusement created by this new application of an
old phrase, and am not surprised that the new form has driven out the old
one. T. W. H., CAMBRIDGE, Mass.
T. W. H. is probably correct about the antiquity of this American
phrase. This item comes from the New Orleans Daily Picayune, 24 June 1842,
pg. 4, col. 1. For those of you from Boston, I'll also include the "Hub"
Origin of Old Expressions
A great many quaint and useful sayings are floating about, the point and
peculiar expression of which are universally understood, while true paternity
of any one of them is about as questionable as the riddle of the spynx. In
consequence of this unfortunate state of things we have gone into a series of
profound antiquarian researches, and now endeavor to offer the "heraldry" of
a few.
_You'll catch Jessie!_--This is a prophecy of coming danger or trouble.
Jessie was the uglist girl in the village, with the sourest temper, the
sharpest tongue, the shrillest voice, the thinnest lips _and_ the _curliest_
nose that was ever seen or heard of; and blind-man's-bluff was at length
abandoned in the village, because the lads were afraid to be blind-folded,
lest they should "catch Jessie." Here the phrase originated, for the lads
would tease each other when tying the handkerchief by whispering
mischievously--_"You'll catch Jessie!"_
_Up to the Hub._--This phrase is of very simple and local origin. A
dull country fellow was driving a heavy ox team over a piece of swampy land.
when the waggon suddenly settled down into an impassable quagmire.
"Well," said the master, when he came many hours after to view the
mischief--"well, you seem to have done it now pretty essentially."
_"Up to the hub!"_ said the innocent driver, with so droll an expression
of countenance as rivetted, unconsciously to himself, immortality upon the