Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 09:15:54 -0400
From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: Roosevelt is a ROSE-a-velt is a RUSE-a-velt
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton dedicated a statue of Eleanor
Roosevelt yesterday at Riverside Park. Franklin D. Roosevelt III attended.
This is from the Boston Evening Transcript, 28 September 1901, pg. 22,
col. 3, and applies to Theodore Roosevelt:
There seems to be a doubt as to the correct pronunciation of our new
President's name. What is it? STATE STREET
[Several other correspondents ask the same question. We wrote the
President, and his private secretary replied that the name is pronounced as
if spelled Rosyvelt. A resident of Washington, who is intimate with those
immediately about the President, writes that the name is pronounced as if
spelled Ro-zuh-v'lt--the accent strongly on the first syllable, with long o
as in rose; the second syllable very short, the third much contracted.]