Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 12:20:48 -0400


Subject: Re: drop off


Now I find myself flipping through the entire lexicon trying to figure out

what I can and can't say... take off, take down, put off, put down, get down,

pipe down... You ask about:

the parent would be expected to drop off and go back home

When I think about it, I would normally say "Drop them off" but I guess

intransitive "drop off," though not the usual construction, is comparable to

pick up:

When shall I pick them up?

What time is pick up?

When shall I pick up?

None of which get the asterisk for me.

However, in a different construction, I've got a friend from California who

makes me shudder every time she says:

Do your kids want to come with?

Where I would say,

Do they want to come with us?

Maybe German influence from mitkommen- Kommen die Kinder mit?

Also consider...To everything there is a season...A time to drop off and a

time to pick up.

Dale Coye

Princeton, NJ