Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 05:46:15 -0500

From: Natalie Maynor maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU

Subject: Re: American Name Society

The American Name Society has a homepage

The ANS homepage is linked to ours (ADS --

Archives/ADS/) in the "Net Resources of Interest to ADS Members."

and a listserv ANS-L


Has this usage change become pretty much complete now? Do most of y'all

think of a list as "a listserv"? When people first started calling lists

"listservs," it drove me crazy because of the resulting confusion among

net newbies who would read something about sending whatever command "to

the listserv" and think it meant to the list -- thus causing list clutter.

But so many people seem to be using "listserv" to mean "list" now that

I'm wondering if listserv documents should be revised in an attempt to

get rid of potential confusion.

(Listserv[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] It publishes the journal NAMES.


Mail to that address doesn't go to a particular list. It goes to

Binghamton's copy of LISTSERV, a computer program written by Eric Thomas

and used all over the world to run mailing lists.

--Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]