Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 18:07:07 -0400
Subject: come with and mergers
As others have noted, "come with" is similar to the separable prefix
(or verb+particle) constructions common in German, Norwegian, etc.; I
heard it regularly growing up in Minnesota and still use it (much to
the consternation of my non-Minnesotan son). This must be kept
distinct from the "drop off" construction, however. The latter deletes
a direct object, whether pre- or post-particle (in the child examples
cited, that is, not in the intransitive usage in, e.g., "He dropped off
the face of the earth"). If the verb+particle form is derived from an
object-focused construction (as my syntactician colleague claims it
does), it is from the prep.+object one ("come with me"), not the
verb+D.O. construction.
And this syntactic form has nothing to do, of course, with the uhr/ohr
and ihr/ehr (near) mergers, which I never heard in Minnesota. Both are
common in Baltimore and, I believe, Philadelphia--and D.C., Peter?
Beverly Flanigan
Ohio University