I wanted to understand the etymological explanation of the "pucky"
in "bull-pucky" and "horse-pucky". I just wondered if the coming
volume of DARE includes "pucky" or not, but no dictionary refers to
its etymological explanation. Does it have any relation to "hocky"?
A sort of rhyming slang?
Then, what is the origin of "hocky"?
I wanted to have some clue to the above questions badly, and I wanted
to ask for your help with my question.
Thank you very very much, and I am looking for your kind advice.
Masayoshi Yamada
Chair/Professor of Linguistics
Dept. of English
Faculty of Education
Shimane University
1060 Nishikwatsu-cho
Matsue City, Shimane-ken fax:0852-32-6279
690 JAPAN e-mail: masa-ya[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]edu.shimane-u.ac.jp