In my discussion of a few days ago on the "automobile" torpedoes of

1883, I didn't have the original article, which appears in the Hartford (CT)

Courant, 26 January 1883, pg. 2, col. 2:


When the congress of the United States demands that a chance be given to

"auto mobile" torpedoes, the people of the United States should be given a

chance to ask where the word can be found.

It is not in Webster's dictionary.

It is not of Geeek (sic) origin or of Latin origin, but is an improper

combination of Greek and Latin roots, not allowable in etymology.

The Greek half "auto" carries the meaning of self and the Latin half

"mobile" carries the significance of motion.

Laying aside Greek and Latin, abandoning the art of word making and the

polysyllabic grandeur of imported and defunct speech, let the congress talk

about self-moving torpedoes, and show their constituents that though we

haven't any navy we still have a language of our own.
