Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 14:27:33 -0400

From: e carlson ecarlson[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]LON.HOOKUP.NET

Subject: Re: Canadian use of "klicks"? -Reply

I'm still learning to speak Canadian, so I asked for an explanation from the

first person I heard use the term. According to a 39 year old female,

"klick" always means km. I asked if anyone used the term to refer to km/h

and got a funny look and was advised that one might say that, but it

wouldn't be right. Edie ecarlson[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

At 01:52 PM 10/16/96 -0500, Mark Mandel wrote:

e carlson ecarlson[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]LON.HOOKUP.NET 1016.1229

"Klick" is commonly used here in south-west Ontario by people of all


I even hear it on local news reports.

Edie ecarlson[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

= "km" or "km/h"?

Mark A. Mandel : mark[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

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