Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 12:51:35 +0900
Subject: Re: Archiving Question - Reply/Answer/Response/Rejoinder/Riposte
My two yen:
I would propose (if anybody asked, and nobody did) that the solution to the (potential) problem is
not to make the archives "closed" (they are already browsable if someone knows where to look -- on
the ADS website), but to make the ADS-L a forum for ADS members only. This should be easy enough to
do. When someone applies to the listserv whose name is not on the ADS membership list, they would
be turned down. (I know that this is possible, because another list that I belong to "approves" it
applicants first.) This would limit those who want to participate on a daily basis to ADS members.
But the archives could still be made available to every Tom, Dick and Harriet.
Next question: What if every Tom, Dick and Harriet then decides they want to join the ADS just to
get on the list? Let 'em, if they're that determined. Allan'd get their 30 bucks. Who cares.
Anyone is free to (pay $30 to) join the ADS as it is now anyway. I say, bring us your tired (topics
of discussion) and your poor (souls who flunked lingusitics 101), your masses yearning for a
babble-fest. Take 'em for thirty bucks, and maybe there'd be enough money left over that we could
get free coffee and donuts in Chicago instead of having to pay twenty dollars.
Danny (who hasn't paid his '96 dues yet) Long
Natalie Maynor wrote:
For the same reasons that we decided not to announce the existence of
ADS-L except to ADS members when the list was first started. Since then
its existence has shown up in various indexes without ill effect, of
course. And my guess is that these days the risks are smaller of having
a list like ADS-L turn into a babble-fest than they were back when there
were fewer lists around. But I still am guessing that most ADSers will
prefer not to publicize the list unnecessarily.
Daniel Long
Japanese Language Research Center
Osaka Shoin Women's College
4-2-26 Hishiyanishi
Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan 577
tel and fax +81-6-729-1831
email dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]