Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 03:51:35 -0400

From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM

Subject: California abbreviatin' (Ca., Cal., Calif.)

The G. O. P. wants California. I've gotta help them abbreviate it.

The following items all come from the San Francisco Chronicle.

23 February 1919, pg. E8, col. 3.


Editor The Chronicle--Sir: From the beginning when California was named

naturally the abbreviation was simply "cal." For the last few years many

people write it "Calif." This looks bad. Now and then we see it written

"Cala.," and along with it Colorado is written "Colo." Let us all hold on to

the original abbreviation "Cal." It looks well and is easily distinguished

from "Colo." A clerk in the Postoffice Department in Washington is

responsible for the change from "Cal." to "Calif." It is hoped that we will

go back to the original abbreviation "Cal." A PRINTER. Sacramento, February

19, 1919.

1 March 1919, pg. 18, cols. 3-4.


Editor The Chronicle--Sir: If the people would take in consideration

the handling of the mails they would understand why Calif. is an absolute

necessity to distinguish from Colorado. Had the said printer received the

calling down that I did from a higher-up in Washington, D. C., relative to

why I didn't answer a petition in regard to a mail route, and a few days

later received the same petition from Manitou, Col., where it had been opened

by the P. M. there by mistake, he would understand why all people in the U.

S. should use Calif. Any postal employe or postmaster would earnestly

request people to distinguish Calif. Lots of mail matter is confused between

these two states, and it is to be hoped the people will adhere to the use of

Calif. to facilitate postal matters. ALICE DINES, Postmaster. Manton,

February 25, 1919.

3 March 1919, pg. 14, col. 3.

[Letter to San Miguel, California probably went to San Miguel, Colorado.

The writer recommends "Calif."]

7 March 1919, pg. 18, col. 4.


Editor The Chronicle--Sir: In a recent letter to your Safety Valve was

a recommendation to use "Calif" as an abbreviation for California, because

when using "Cal" or "Cala" on the mails it would be delivered for "Col" or

"Colo." I always use "Cala" for said prevention, as it is a Spanish word

meaning "small bay," and although the bay of San Francisco is large, it is

small comparedwith the immense state of California. California became a

State in the early fifties and Colorado many years later; therefore Colorado

should change the contraction of its name instead of California. If Colorado

would adopt "Color" there would be no possibility of mistaking its mail to

California, which would prevent any misdelivery of the mail. However, I

would suggest that the business men of both California and Colorado have the

name of their State printed in full on all of their business stationary, as

it would advertise their State. CHARLES G. MINIFIE. San Francisco, March 5,


9 March 1919, pg. E8, col. 3.


["Cal." could mean "Caledonia." Favors "Calif."]

9 March 1919, pg. E8, col. 4.


[Calls Cali "just as distinctive and effective as clumsy Calif."]

16 March 1919, pg. E8, col. 3.


Editor The Chronicle--Sir: Your correspondents who object to the

abbreviation of "Calif" for California because it resembles the title of

Oriental rulers, should have their feelings soothed by the information that

Kh-a-l-i-f-a (mispronounced Calif.) in the Arabic signifies the same as

prince. The Khalif is the first, the leader, the best. R. LAWRENCE WARD.

Tracy, March 10, 1919.

23 March 1919, pg. E8, col. 3.


Editor The Chronicle--Sir: Why should the department at Washington

saddle the cumbersome abbreviation on us of "Calif." for California when

Colorado could have been changed with so much less cause for complaint.

Coldo. or Cldo. is simple and easy to write, while the abbreviation "Calif."

is not only harsh but awkward to write, in that it contains a letter dropping

below the line. Let us protest with all vehemence at the authority that

abrogates to itself the power to label a great State against the sentiment of

its people. A DEMOCRAT. Forest Hill, March 18, 1919.

Cal? Calif? Ca? Cala? Cali? A Hindu goddess, a Moslem ruler--who


Alas., for Me., it's a Wash.