Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 11:37:13 -0500

From: Mary Brown Zeigler engmez[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PANTHER.GSU.EDU

Subject: Re: text query-American Language

I teach a similar course and have used a combination of texts and some

personally generated handouts. Milward for the HEL Early MOdern English

portion, Dillard"s History of American English--with my help-- for some

hard to find examples and source info (even though Dillard has not been

easy for students to read), Wolfram's book (our bookstore has managed to

find copies) and Lawrrence Davis English Dialectology

Mary B. Zeigler

Georgia State University

Department of English


Atlanta, GA 30303

(404) 651-2900

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Gregory Pulliam wrote:

I'm teaching a course for the first time next semester--"The American

Language." It's a no pre-requisite introductory course, the first half of

which will deal with history of the English language, and the second will

be devoted to English in North America--more or less an intro to

regional/social dialects here. Does anyone have an text

suggestions--especially for the dialect portion of the course, but I'm also

open to suggestions for the HotEL portion. I understand Wolfram's

"Dialects and American English" is out of print--I had been planning on

using it, but now am somewhat perplexed.

Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions.

Greg Pulliam


Illinois Institute of Technology
