Another Yankee playoff series, another incorrect Yankee history book.

This is from THE YANKEES: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY (1997) by George

Sullivan and John Powers, pg. 11, col. 1:

In the spring of 1913, _New York Press_ sports editor Jim Price, tired

of trying to cram the word "Highlanders" into his headlines, began using

"Yankees" instead. So the team, which figured it might smell sweeter by any

other name, adopted it.

As I posted here last year: it was April 1904, it was in William

Randolph Hearst's New York Evening Journal, the sports pages were edited by

Harry Beecher, who was the grandson of preacher Henry Ward Beecher and the

grandnephew of author Harriet Beecher Stowe, the team had just returned from

playing in the South....