Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 09:40:55 -0500

From: Cynthia Bernstein bernscy[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MAIL.AUBURN.EDU

Subject: Re: dialect in literature

One analysis of Crane's story appears in the Summer 1990 issue of _South

Central Review_, a special issue devoted to Linguistics and Literature.

_The Text and Beyond: Essays in Literary Linguistics_ (1994, U of AL

Press) covers some of the ling/lit territory (though not 19th century

American), as does an article I did for the Spring 1994 issue of _The

SECOL Review_ ("Language and Literature in Context," pp. 45-61).

A helpful e-list might be the LING-LIT group. To subscribe, mail to


and write the following in the body of your message:

SUB LING-LIT Firstname Lastname

(where Firstname and Lastname represent your name, of course).

Cynthia Bernstein

Dept. of English

Auburn University, AL 36849-5203

On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Peggy Smith wrote:

Stephen Crane's _Maggie: A Girl of the Streets_ is a short, but important

work from the end of the 19th century that you might want to include in

your study. Crane uses the Irish street slang of the Bowery during that

period. As I understand it, the work was considered groundbreaking in

its use of realistic dialect in fiction.

Peggy Smith