Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 08:04:50 -0400
From: Fred Shapiro fred.shapiro[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]YALE.EDU
Subject: Re: ONE: In & Out of a homosexual magazine
On Sat, 4 Oct 1997, Barry A. Popik wrote:
March 1955, page 8.
No "homphobes" here, but "homophiles" are. The paper "The Homophile in
Society" is reprinted here; it was delivered in its original form to the
International Congress for Sexual Equality at its 1953 session in Amsterdam
by its author, Prof. G. Th. Kempe, PH.D. of Utrecht, Holland.
OED's first "homophile" citation is 1960.
See my note, "Earlier Citations for Terms Characterizing Homosexuals,"
American Speech 63: 283-85 (1988), for a 1945 usage of _homophile_ by
Henry Gerber, who probably coined the term.