Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 07:21:14 +0100
Subject: Re: dialect in literature
Just a few more references.
Barnes, Verle. "Dialect in Southern Fiction" Southern Conference on English in
the Two-Year College Newsletter 13.1 (1980): 44-45.
Bennett, J., "George Savary Wasson's Approach to Dialect Writing." American
Speech 54 (1979): 90-101.
Billups, Edgar P. "Some Principles for the representation of Negro Dialect in
Fiction". Texas Review 8 (1923): 99-123.
Brown, C.S., A Glossary of Faulkner's South. New Haven: Yale University Press,
Cole, Roger. "Literary Representation of Dialect". University of South Florida
Language Quarterly 24 (1986): 3-4. 3-8.
Evans, William W. "Literary Dialects". Encyclopaedia of Southern Culture. ed.
by William Ferris and Charles Wilson. Chapel Hill: The University of North
Carolina Press.
Fenno, Charles R. "Nineteenth-Century Illinoia Dialect: Robert Casey". American
Speech 58 (Fall 83): 244-54.
Fine, Elizabeth C. "In Defense of Literary Dialect: A Response to Dennis R.
Preston". Journal of American Folklore 96.381 (1983): 323-330.
Fine, Marlene G. and C. Anderson. "Dialect Features in the Language of Black
Characters on American Television Programming". Educational Resources
Information Center Document (1978).
Florey, Kenneth. "Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin". Explicator 45.1 (Fall 1986):
Foster, Charles W., The Phonology of the Conjure Tales of Charles W.Chesnutt,
Publication of the American Dialect Society 55, April 1971.
Gillespie, Elizabeth. "The Dialect of the Mississippi Negro in Literature". Ph.
D. Diss., University of Mississippi, 1939.
Ives, S., "The Phonology of the Uncle Remus Stories". Publications of the
American Dialect Society 22 (1954): 3-59.
Lencho. Mark W. "Dialect Variation in The Sound and the Fury : A Study of
Faulkner's Use of Black English". The Mississippi Quarterly 41 (Summer 1988):
Levenston, E.A. "Literary Dialect in George V. Higgins' The Judgement of Deke
Hunter ". English Studies 62.4 (Aug. 1981): 358-70.
Levy, Andrew. "Dialect and Convention: Harriet A. Jacob's Incidents in the life
of a slave girl". Nineteenth Century Literature 45 (Sept. 1990): 206-19.
Macaulay, Ronald K.S. "Coz it izny spelt when they say it", displaying dialect
in writing". American Speech 66 (Fall 1991): 280-91.
Mahar, William J. "Black English in Early Blackface Minstrelsy: A new
Interpretation of the Sources of minstrel Show Dialect". American Quarterly 37
(Summer 1985): 260-85.
Pederson, Lee."Mark Twain's Missouri Dialects: Marion County Phonemics."
American Speech 44 (1969): 279-86.
------. "Language in the Uncle Remus Tales". Modern Philology 82 (Feb. 1985):
------. "Rewriting Dialect Literature: The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story". Atlanta
Historical Journal 30. 3-4 (1986-87): 57-70.
Peterson, P.W. "The Misuses and Dangers of Literary Dialect as Linguistic
Data". Papers in Linguistics 1974-77: A Collection of M.A. Papers from Students
in the Linguistics Department of Northeastern Illinois University. Edutational
Resources Information Centre Document (1978): 163-760.
Riley, James Whitcomb. "Dialect in Literature". Forum 14 (1892): 465-73.
Schlager, Walter B. "A practical use for literary dialect applied to the works
of Flannery O'Connor". Ph. d. diss., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1974.
Sewel, David R. Mark Twain's Languages: Discourse, Dialogue and Linguistic
Variety. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
Shores, David L. and Carole P. Hines,eds. Papers in Language Variation:
SAMLA-ADS Collection. Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1977.
Walton, Gerald W. "Some Southern Farm Terms in Faulkner's Go Down, Moses"
Publications of the American Dialect Society 47 (April 1967) : 23-29.
Williamson , J. and Virginia M. Burke.eds. A Various Language: Perspective on
American Dialects. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.
Maria F. Garcia-Bermejo Giner
Departamento de Filologia Inglesa
C. Placentinos 18
Universidad de Salamanca
Salamanca 37008, Spain