Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:18:53 -0500
From: Susan-Marie Harrington sharrin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]IUPUI.EDU
Subject: Re: NPR interviews
Peter will need to post the dates for the particular shows he mentioned,
but in general NPR transcripts cost 17.90 (incl. shipping and handling),
and transcripts+ tapes cost between 25-30.00 US. You can call the NPR
order center at 1-888-677-6397 (or 301-883-2178, for international calls),
or send a check to NPR Order Center, P.O. Box 4370, Upper Marlboro MD
20775-4370. The NPR web site, by the way, is hppt://
Susanmarie Harrington sharrin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis (317) 278-1153
425 University Boulevard fax: (317) 274-2347
Indianapolis IN 46202-5140