Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:52:00 +0900
From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMixLXCEhSU05PhsoQg==?=
Subject: Ask your help
I am a new subscriber to your system. I am Japanese translator.
I want to know the meaning of a word. I will write down the
context of the book (The Railway
Children:by the British author E.Nesbit: 1906)
"You mustn't take no notice of my Bill,( a bargee)"
said the woman; "'is bark's worse'n 'is bite. Some of the kids
down Farley way is fair terrors. It was them put 'is back up
calling out about who ate the puppy pie under Marlow bridge."
-----------------"----somehow, and I don't know the why nor the
wherefore of it, them words is p'ison to a barge-master. Don't
you take no notice. ----"
* Please help me why the bargee was angry hearing the kid's
words. I do not know what is Puppy Pie. Is it something
insulting the bargee? This book is British and in 1906, but you
may know it.