Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 13:42:37 -0600
From: charles fritz juengling cjuengling[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]STCLOUDSTATE.EDU
Subject: Re: whole nuther ballgame
. This kind of reanalysis is legion,
both in this direction (an ewt -- a newt) and especially in the opposite (an
orange, an umpire, an apron: all from stems with historical initial n-).
add 'nickname' from 'an ekename' to the list.
The SED also turned up 'nants' for 'ants' and 'nangnail' for 'hangnail.' The
progression must have been a hangnail an angnail (with usual loss of
[h]) a nangnail.
Fritz Juengling
Fritz Juengling
Foreign Languages and Literature Department
St. Cloud State University
St. cloud, Minnesota