Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 10:09:56 -0500

From: mmcdaniel mmcdaniel_at_interval-miami[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]INTERVAL-INTL.COM

Subject: Re: politeness

Lynne, I'd have to agree with Melissa. There has been a decrease in

politeness over the years. As far as your personal feelings regarding

strangers talking to you: Yes, your dog may have died, but all the

more reason for people to talk to you. Sure, there are times when we

need to be alone, but at other times being alone is what we want, not

necessarily what is best. Many people are already afraid to engage a

stranger in conversation, and I think that if we promote the "leave me

alone" attitude, then society will keep on its downward spiral.

Beth, the voice mail system is used to convey the message, "(may) God

bless you." If you read a letter from a friend, in which the friend

wrote "God bless you," you wouldn't say, "Is a letter capable of

blessing me?"

Beverly, in some cases saying "Bless you" is "not really polite and

personal so much as formulaic and empty"; however, ignoring the person

saying it is definitely rude, regardless of your intentions. The

ignoring becomes the issue rather than the possible insincerity.

Of course it's best to do the right thing for the right reason. But

it's better to do the right thing for the wrong reason than the wrong
