Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 20:56:20 -0500


Subject: Re: Neck hue.

I feel that the terms "Red Neck" and "Country Boy" are merely titles

labeled to people depending on the particular area in which you are

looking at. While to someone in a rural area the two terms are

interchangeable from the area I am from which is a larger city "Red

Neck" is conidered one that is not well groomed and is acts in crude

ways. "Country Boy" is labeled on someone who wears Wranglers and cowboy

boots. While leabeling people might not be a considerate thing to do it

happens no matter what area is involved. No offense should be taken as

labels have become almost a standard part of our society. We as a

society tend to label people with titles simply because we view them as

different than us.