Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:25:25 -0500
Subject: Re: redneck, nigger, good ole boy, kicker, etc.
David Johns writes:
In these
contexts, the non-rednecks or non-fans-of-the-Confederacy are a
captive membership.
This issue is not "political correctness", whatever that means this
month, but tyranny of the majority.
[The context was a t-shirt made by students--not every one had to buy one
and the minority could have made its own, if in fact there was one.]
In reply, Duane Campbell writes:
Would the exclusion of these symbols, beloved by the majority, be tyranny
of the minority?
To which Jeutonne Brewer responds:
No, it wouldn't. In this country a basic purpose of the Bill of Rights
is to protect the minority from oppressive acts by government and the
majority. When a symbol the Confederate flag is used by government or
majority groups to threaten or silence a minority, that is an
oppressive act, a form of tyranny.
Terry (current writer) responds:
I think Duane is right here. The issue Jeutonne raises is pertinent
though. The question is, when is the use of a symbol "to threaten or
silence a minority"? And when is it just an expression of a cultural
I find the to-do about the Confederate Flag an rather interesting trivial
flap. For the flag of the USA govt actually represents a system that has
oppressed and harmed far more people than the Confederacy ever did. Just
how many people did this government kill in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam,
etc.? How much exploitation continues today in developing
nations, especially in the Pacific Rim, because the US military
keeps illegitimate govts in power? Jeutonne's statement would be
better written with "American flag" in place of "Confederate Fag."
Virtually, Terry
Terry Lynn Irons t.irons[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
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