Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 23:27:58 -0500
From: "Bethany K. Dumas" dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UTK.EDU
Subject: Re: redneck, nigger, good ole boy, kicker, etc.
On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, David A. Johns wrote:
It seems to me that the issue is the same one surrounding the
inclusion of the Confederate battle flag in the state flags of South
Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi, or the use of that flag or the
Li'l Reb mascot for high schools throughout the South. In these
contexts, the non-rednecks or non-fans-of-the-Confederacy are a
captive membership.
I think this issue has become doubly confused (surprise!). If I read you
right, you equate "non-rednecks" with "non-fans-of-the Confederacy." Is
that your meaning?
And if you do that (please correct me if I am wrong), you probably ALSO
equate "rednecks" (whatever your definition is) with "fans-of-the
Confederacy." Right?
Puhleeze! This is East Tennessee -- Union country! There are very few
fans of the Confederacy here!
Let us not mix labels any more than we mix metaphors!
Bethany, who had never known more than 2-3 people who admitted to being
Republicans until she moved to East Tennessee, and who still says that out
loud in public