Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 08:16:18 -0500
From: "Bethany K. Dumas" dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UTK.EDU
Subject: Language in the Judicial Process (LJP)
The new ethernet connections have been installed, and new server hardware
and software for LJP, the electronic journal of language and law, have
arrived and will be installed today. LJP will be down temporarily as the
transition is made, possibly only a few hours tonight, possibly a bit
The next issue will contain abstracts of all papers presented at the Third
Biannual meeting of the International Conference of Forensic Linguists
Bethany K. Dumas, J.D., Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Language & Law
Dep't of English/Chair, Ling. Prog. 301/1117 McClung Tower
University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-0430 USA
423-974-6965, 423-974-6926 (FAX) EMAIL: dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Editor, Language in the Judicial Process:
[9-12/97: Professorial Lecturer/Dep't of Linguistics/470 ICC/
Georgetown U./ Washington, D.C. 20057/202-687-5956, 202-687-5712 (FAX)]