End of ADS-L Digest - 29 Oct 1997 to 30 Oct 1997
Subject: ADS-L Digest - 30 Oct 1997 to 31 Oct 1997
There are 27 messages totalling 880 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. "Smell of" (3)
2. help sought on frontierish language
3. "Bless you" (was "Good morning")
4. thank you . . . thank you
5. the mindlessness of "bless you"
6. Neck Hue (3)
7. Sneeze
8. sea change (2)
9. hello/good-bye
10. Pop Goes The Weasel
11. No subject given
12. Hill Jack/jake/jakey
13. rat's ass, nigger, redneck,...
14. PC Dictionaries? (4)
15. "my bad" (2)
16. haywire rockabilly
17. Bologna tra-la-las & chicken-wire floats
18. Reflexives in American dialects of English