Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 08:45:19 EDT From: Wayne Glowka Subject: Re: replying to individuals This and ARTHURNET are two very friendly lists. Those of you who have been on CHAUCERNET and MEDTEXTL, as I have been, know that some people on some lists are downright foul and nasty, telling students to go somewhere else to ask questions, telling fellow scholars to go to the library and do their own work, and telling everyone to go to hell for merely existing. No one here seems to mind questions about common knowledge, and the system itself does not send you an insulting list of frequently asked questions (FAQ's) the way a certain long-winded medieval English list does. No, the ADS is, unlike other professional organizations and groups, composed of self-actuated, friendly folks, trained to discuss theory and to discuss "funny words used around here for various things." Here's to one of the few professional societies with a sense of humanity and a sense of humor. NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE HERE. Wayne Glowka Professor of English Director of Research and Graduate Student Services Georgia College Milledgeville, GA 31061 912-453-4222 wglowka[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]