Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:50:29 EDT From: Wayne Glowka Subject: Animal Gender, Again The comments I received earlier about the pronouns used here and there for animals were interesting, but inconclusive. The problem of mixed up gender for animals with specified sex showed up in my reading last night in Vinaver's 1971 edition of Malory's _Works_ (original text before 1471, the year of Malory's death). In this passage, read Malory's normal _brachet_ for _bracket_, 'a female dog': And anone thys lityll bracket felte a savoure of sir Trystram. He lepte uppon hym and lycked hys learys and hys earys, and than he whyned and quested, and she smelled at hys feete and at hys hondis and on al the partyes of hys body that she myght com to. (p. 309) As far as I can tell, Tristram is not leaping and licking on the dog and Damsel Brangwayn and La Beall Isode are not sniffing at Tristram's feet, hands, and other accessible body parts. Apparently, the dog is referred to with both _he_ (surely not a remnant of _heo_!) and _she_. At any rate, this confusion is not limited to our times. Wayne Glowka Professor of English Director of Research and Graduate Student Services Georgia College Milledgeville, GA 31061 912-453-4222 wglowka[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]