Date: Sun, 23 Oct 1994 23:09:39 -0700 From: "CAVEMAN -- San Bernardino, Calif. USA" Subject: Q: Mllions of Cats Hi: We (my wife and I) read to the wee ones each night. Tonight we read a book called "Millions of Cats" by Wanda Ga'g (ISBN 0-590-40612-4, Scholastics Inc,. 730 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 - 1928). Any way we have several questions: 1. Is the apostrophe in Ga'g a symbol indicating missing letters, as in can't (cannot) or don't (do not)? Or is it a glottal stop symbol commonly used iin many orthographies? Is it something else entirely? (The book is hand-lettered so I am sure it is not a diacritical mark over the a.) 2. The old man in the story "set out" instead of walking or something similar. Is this 1928 lingo? My 3-year-old didn't know what set out meant because we never use it. 3. The cats "quarreled" instead of fought. Again, no recognition of the word -- was it also more common in 1928? 4. Do cats eat grass? I thought they were carnivores, but I'm not a biologist -- of course, anybody on ADS-L probably isn't either. Anybody have any answers? We're baffled. Chuck Coker CJCoker[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CSUPomona.Edu =============================================================================== There have been no dragons in my life, only small spiders and stepping in gum. I could have coped with the dragons. Anonymous (but wise) ===============================================================================